Friday, March 26, 2010

Conttinuing Pat's B-day. Looks like a forest fire

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Okay, all but Kathleen failed the test, no one else commented on my blog. It is hard to be inspired to do any blogging when there is little to blog about other than to say "hi, I'm still here". I'm sure as the weather gets better and I get out in the wild outdoors more I will have more to say. Thanks for playing my game.

As always, hugs to all,

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Good morning all. I decided after harassing everyone else to blog I should at least acknowledge the fact that I too have a blog. It will also be interesting to see how long it takes for anyone to notice.

I, like the rest of the world, am anxiously awaiting spring and some adventures. We are planning a trip to Las Vegas in the early part of April. That date was chosen so to meet up with Glen and Maria who will be visiting from Germany. I'm so excited. I broke the news to one of my doctors and he said we could work around it, now just have to coordinate with the other doctor and the road is clear. According to my calculations it should work out just fine. Plus, those who know me will understand it is already a done deal as far as I am concerned. And if that isn't enough I am working on a trip to Nampa in June for a couple of weeks or so. Having said all of that I am in the best health I have been in more then a year and look forward to many such adventures. "They" are telling us that because of all the rain and snow in the hills around here we are in for a wonderful season of cacti flowers so will have to start looking for those on my walks. Also, this morning was the first warning about looking out for rattle snakes, so we know spring really is in the works.

Will look forward to seeing all the blogs.
Hugs to all.
The Mom