Friday, December 26, 2008

Friday, December 26, 2008

Well here it is the day after Christmas and a day of catching our breath after such a full schedule the last few weeks. As I said in the last post, Chet and Cookie and I made it to Nampa on a Saturday two weeks ago. That meant we only had a little while to get ready for the big day. Cookie had to go right to work that Sunday so we didn't get to spend much time together like we usually do getting ready for the Holidays. Erica and Melissa had to work overtime as well because of the time off for their trip to Las Vegas, but, all worked out beautifully as it always does.
We opted for the traditional turkey dinner, this year, with all the trimmings and it was wonderful. Lindsey, Marlin and Kylie, Kevin, Marissa and new baby girl Aurora came over for dinner. Aurora was born on Thanksgiving Day and what a cutie she is and a cuddle bunny. It was the first time I got to see my latest Great grandchild and a while since I got to hold a baby. Her big four year old sister, Marissa, entertained Aurora and the rest of us with the wonder of it all. Of course the some of the other great grandkids were here and made the day a delight showing their talents as photographers. Nothing like new digital cameras to bring out the ham in everyone. Ady did a video which we all watched on the "big screen" that had tears running down all our faces.
Well I hope you all had as much fun as this clan and just think it is only 364 days until we can all do it again.

Love to all

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Hi all,
As I'm sure you all know Cookie and Chet came to Green Valley for a quick visit and to drive back to Nampa via Las Vegas with me for the Holidays. We spent a couple of days sight seeing around down there, then headed north. We stopped in Las Vegas for "R&R" ( I say that laughingly") and to see Pat and Mike for a bit. As it turned out Erica and her family were in town as were Mel and Greg so a good time was had by all. And of course we had to hit the "Office" a couple of times, plus, we all went to "Joe'sCrab Shack" for a wonderful dinner. Not sure if it will ever be the same. That has become somewhat of a tradition. Ady and Rylee had a great time doing the Mocarena dance with the waitresses, and a fine job of it I must say.

Mike had to work on the on the three days we were there so was hard o catch up with him. We decided to drive out to Primm to have lunch with him on Fri. Was a nice visit but way too short and we still haven't had a chance to see his 2 new horses.

We also got a chance to do a little Christmas shopping while there. Would have liked to stay a little longer, but, it was time to move on. We headed on to Nampa on Sat. and had a lovely drive, the weather was very nice and Cook and I traded off driving so it wasn't quiet so hard on either of us. Have to get ready for Christmas so a lot to do in the next couple of weeks. "Honey Bob" is flyng up on the 22nd for the fun and festivities. Can't wait for hm to get here.

Think that pretty much brings things up to date. Looking forward to seeing everyone over the holidays.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Again it has been a while, but I have an excuse. Seems the aggressive aleve taking for my arthritis was not good for my stomach, which caused me to have a bleeding ulcer. After trying to tough it out for a couple of weeks I had to cry "uncle" and seek medical help. I spent five days in hospital, but, am now home safe and sound. May not have been quite so bad if I had not popped 4 of them every morning on an empty tummy, duh. So bare in mind, "Do as I say not as I do". Anyway, all is good now.

Bob and I are anxiously awaiting Cook and Chet. They are flying here tomorrow for a few days, then the three of us are going to work our way back to Nampa via Las Vegas. We hope to do some shopping there for Christmas before heading on north. It is a busy time of year as you all know and as usual I am way behind and not the least bit concerned about that. Will be fun to get into the kitchen with the kids and make all the goodies. Just thinking about the smells and laughs brings a smile to my face. Tis the best time of year. Bob will be flying up to Nampa the 22nd to join in the fun.

I wish joy and happiness for all of you and look forward to seeing everyone.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I think I may have been slightly remiss in keeping all informed of the adventures in the desert, so here is the latest. After a day of cleaning out the garage and filling the back of the Jeep with goodies of every kind and description, Bob settled in for the night planning to take said goodies to the Legion for the annual yard sale on Sat. He went out yesterday morning only fo find the Jeep wouldn't start. Strange eminations from lights and horn, but, no motor. Deciding the battery was low he hooked up battery charger only to find that it registered 0. Now everyone who lives in the desert knows batteries are only good for about 3 years, regardless of how many miles you put on car, or even if it is always stored in garage. Sooo, he decided to take it out, load it into my car and take it and have it checked. After much ado and to do, borrowing tools from friend Terry, because of course bolts are metric, he finally got it out and into my car. Off to the parts store. Sure enough said battery is DEAD!!! so he bought the only one in town that fits his Jeep, loaded it in my car. Now as he is starting to leave, low and behold, my Altima won't start. So going into the store again he borrows a tester for my battery only to find it too is DEAD!!! Needless to say they just happen to have battery for car and would be happy to lend him tools to replace my battery, because, of course I don't happen to carry tools of that nature in my car. After about 3 hours and much cussing and $300 we are both proud owners of new batteries.

In the I meantime made arrangements to go to the Legion with friend Debbe for "burger night" prep. And of course being Vets day there was an inordinate amount of activity which put us somewhat behind. Sooo we imbibed a little, took in the concert the high school band put on for the Vets. and waited for the kitchen to clear. Bob had made it through a shower and came ready for something to ease the heat he had suffered through all day. We finished the day with hamburgers and booze, then returned home to enjoy the spa and festive lights and fire in fire pit.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Not a jack o lantern, but, a lovely candle

Sunday, October 19, 2008

A gardenia Bob planted for me finally bloomed the first time on my birthday. It has been a wonderful one.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Yes, here I am again on terra firma after having a SUPERB day!! I got to take that special ride that I had listed on my "bucket list". It was a great day to do anything, and especially this. The pictures are a little more in sequence if you start at the bottom ( haven't mastered that problem yet) with the glider behind the tow plane. Then just a close up of the glider without and with me. The pilot is a great guy who was very informative. He gave me a crash course in the controls then told me not to touch them. The towing part was the least fun, noisier and a little rough. Reason being that the tow plane goes faster so there is kind of a dragging feeling, if that makes sense. Once we were free it was the most liberating feeling I have ever had, only the sound of the air passing and going slow enough to really take in the views. When catching thermals it feels like someone is lifting the seat and the opposite is true when it goes away. This is toward the end of the season so the "lifts" were few and far between. The pilot was impressed at how calm I was, asked if I had spent much time in small planes, told him only ones with motors. He did some tight curls in the thermals he said he wouldn't do if I had been uptight. Didn't tell him I wasn't smart enough to be afraid. The only thing that I gave a thought to was the landing and only because, as you can see, I was right in the nose. It was a smooth landing and I would jump at the chance to do it again anytime.

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Monday, October 13, 2008

This is a story of how I learned to keep my eyes open when walking in the early morning. Yesterday I started out with a smile on my face and a song in my ear, when as I crossed the street in front of the house I nearly stepped on a SNAKE coiled on the warm pavement. Little did I now I could learn the "levitated side step" dance so quickly. It is a sure way to wake you up to your surroundings. After completing my walk, I came back by to see the critter had been run over and that there were no rattles on the snake.

As in the way of Mother Nature, later in the day the turkey vultures were cleaning up the mess. Not often one can get up close and personal with these great birds.

Just another day in the desert. Open invitation, come on down.

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Friday, October 3, 2008

Okay, once again it has been a while, but, do I have some exciting news. "Honey Bob" surprised me with a "STUPENDIS" birthday gift. Go ahead try and guess. Think flight jacket, goggles, silk scarf around neck. Give up? How about a flight in a glider!!! It has been one of the things on my to do list along with going up in hot air balloon, going on sail boat, both of which i have done. I'm soooo excited!!! Will have full report when I get back.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I thought this was apropos.

Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blue prints of your ultimate accomplishments.
- Napoleon Hill

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Of course no trip is complete without going out to Mike's ranch where we raided his garden and played with the horses. It was a GREAT DAY . The garden is unbelievable and the beer was cold, what more could you want. Thanks Mikey!!!
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I know it has beena while again, but, here goes. Terry, Debbe, ( friends of 35 years), Bob and I took a whirlwind trip to Las Vegas over the weekend. As usual a lot of the time was spent in our favorite watering hole, The Office, where Pat and Deb hit a royal flush to the tune of $1000. Such a deal, no pun intended.
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It was an adventure, but, I think worth it to see flag up to honor victims of 9/11

Friday, September 5, 2008

Hello all. I know I have been remiss when it comes to blogging and after a "reminder" from my daughter I thought I should give you all some idea of what I have been up to. Hmmm, let me see. I'll start by saying that I have had a GREAT SUMMER. Even though this blog is sans pictures it isn't because I've run out of beautiful scenery to take pictures of, oh contrare, there is no end to that. We have had a wonderful monsoon season this year and it is clear why this place is called Green Valley. After all the rain the desert is in bloom again, a fact that greatly surprised me. I just assumed when it was finished in the spring it was over, not so. I find all it needs is water and sun, duh!!!

Enough of that. We, as in Honey Bob and I with a couple of very good friends, are headed to Las Vegas early in the morning. Kind of a spur of the moment trip just because. Thought we would drop in on Pat and Mike for a few days. Stop by "The Office" of course to say hello to friends there then go out to Sandy Valley and see Mike and his menagerie. He offered to let us raid his garden so that should be fun. We will be back here on Tuesday around noon so Debbe and I can help prep for burger night at the legion and Terry and Bob have a meeting there that afternoon. Think this little jaunt will hold us until we make the trek to Nampa for the xmas holidays. Depending on "itchy feet". Will try to keep you all better informed as to where and what is going on.
Love ya'll

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ok I know you are tired of flowers, but, one of our hibiscus. Don't you love it.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The result of monsoons is cactus in bloom again. Gee I love the desert.

For those who think AZ. is dry and arid this from a monsoon afternoon.

Friday, June 27, 2008

We returned home to find we had been infested with "killer bees". It was pretty scary, but, my hero managed to get rid of them withoutgetting him or me stung. It was quite a mess to get rid of, dead bees, honey combs full of honey and the globs of poison spray that filled the corner of the ramada.

For you golfers, Bob found a new use for his ball retriever. He found out you can stand 20 feet away in the door to the house and knock down the hive. Then of ocurse all that mess had to be disposed of so the ants and other critters didn't come to call. He did a great job of handling the whole mess. MY HERO

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Back in Nampa I soaked up what sun I could on the mower. Just like ridng a bike, never forget how.

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Just Ryan walking George's dog to the tug. Of course as soon as we got home to Wende's the sun came out. We moved the table around the house following the sun.

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As promised a few pictures of our trip. This is Wende and you know who on the dock and tug boat. Water is "just like glass". It was pretty cool, but, wouldn't have missed it for th world.

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I know most all of you know Bob and I went on vacation for most of the month of June. Especially those of you whom we imposed upon. It was a wonderful trip and except for a little cool weather could not have been better. I know as usual I hauled way too many clothes that I didn't need and not enough that I could have used. Isn't that always the way? Michael Dean assures me that all you need, when traveling, is a toothbrush and credit card and I'm sure he is right. Next time.

Our first stop was in Las Vegas for a few days. The "girls" ,(and I use the word loosely) that I have been running around with there for many years, waited to schedule the annual "Limo Yard Sale" trip until we got there so I could go. What a great time that was, as witnessed in the previous blog. I highly recommend getting a bunch of gals together to do this, there is nothing like seeing the faces of people when a bunch of gals pile out of a limo to by stuff at yard sales. Of course, it helps to be fortified with Bloody Marys when starting out.

We then with Pat with his quads in tow went on to Nampa. We spent a week there visiting and trying to break in the new patio. The weather held up some of the construction and got behind schedule, but, we managed to spend quite some time out there. I helped all I could by mowing the yard a couple times so Chet could work on patio. Not sure how much that helped, but, I got to get in the sun a couple of days.

From there we headed on to Seattle to see his family. We stayed with his brother and wife for a few days and once again had too much good food and drink. Oh, that's right there isn't such a thing as too much good food and drink. After a couple of days there we headed over t Vashon Island, where Bob's daughter and grandson,
Wende and Ryan, live and where Bob lived for many years. Wende and Ryan were great hosts also, more great food and drink. Wende goes with a guy who has a tug boat and was gracious enough to take us out for a few hours touring the sound.
I have to say it is a beautiful place. I met many of his old friends and had more good food and drink. Well that is what a vacation is for isn't it?

After a week there we headed back to Arizona in the reverse order. All in all it was a wonderful trip and I hope to get some more pictures blogged.

We want to thank all of you who put up with us and made us feel so warm and fuzzy.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We do pick nice neighborhoods. This is the fifth year we have been doing this and it just gets better and better. I highly recommend this if youwant to have a blast.

Of course some of us are a little more into it than others.

For those that haven't heard, my Las Vegas gang like to take Limos to yard sales. We sure gets a lot of strange looks when we drive into a neighborhood and pile out of a limo to buy stuff at a yardsale.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Just saw deer on evening walk in Esparanza Estates where we live. Who said nothing lives in the desert. I must remember to carry my camera on my travels, but, keep cell handy. Once again I invite you all to "Come on down".

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Another shot of the same cactus.

One more cactus flower picture. This one only last a day.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It's a beautiful day in the back courtyard. Wish you could all join us.

Monday, May 19, 2008

I hope you all don't get tired of "Spring in AZ." here is Mexican bird of paradise.

Monday, May 12, 2008

And so as time goes on we can see the beautiful changes take place. New vanity and floor tile.

New tub, fictures and shower inclosure.

The new counter and mirror, and paint job. I love the colors. GOOD JOB PAT.
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