Monday, October 13, 2008

This is a story of how I learned to keep my eyes open when walking in the early morning. Yesterday I started out with a smile on my face and a song in my ear, when as I crossed the street in front of the house I nearly stepped on a SNAKE coiled on the warm pavement. Little did I now I could learn the "levitated side step" dance so quickly. It is a sure way to wake you up to your surroundings. After completing my walk, I came back by to see the critter had been run over and that there were no rattles on the snake.

As in the way of Mother Nature, later in the day the turkey vultures were cleaning up the mess. Not often one can get up close and personal with these great birds.

Just another day in the desert. Open invitation, come on down.

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1 comment:

Kathleen Lee said...

Geez Mom, you really have to be on your toes when walking around down there (no pun intended!). Just don't "be the snake" and get yerself runover! Great post! Loved it!